Journal Archive

Number of Volumes 15
Number of Issues 46
Number of Articles 328
Number of Contributors 532
Article View 357,613
PDF Download 295,826
View Per Article 1090.28
PDF Download Per Article 901.91
Number of Submissions 880
Rejected Submissions 607
Reject Rate 69
Accepted Submissions 244
Acceptance Rate 28
Time to Accept (Days) 105
Number of Indexing Databases 8
Number of Reviewers 449

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 the Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry   

IJMC (Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry) publishes quality original research papers and survey articles in Mathematical Chemistry and related areas that are of the highest possible quality. Research papers and review articles are selected through a normal refereeing process by a member of editorial board. It is intended that the journal may act as an interdisciplinary forum for publishing chemically important mathematical papers. Papers published in this journal must have a clear connection to chemistry with non-trivial mathematics. Since 2017, IJMC publishes four issues in each year. The publication month of these issues are March, June, September and December

To submit a new manuscript, please start by reading the journal’s instructions for authors. All accepted papers will be checked by iThenticate against plagiarism.  

Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry has been indexed in Scopus and Web of Science - ESCI

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Journal Citation Indicator (JCI)  2021     0.18  (Q3)

Journal Citation Indicator (JCI)  2020     0.16  (Q3)

Journal Citation Indicator (JCI)  2019     0.19




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Current Issue: Volume 15, Issue 2, June 2024, Pages 51-122 

Computation of Topological Indices of Binary and Ternary Trees using Algorithmic Approach

Pages 107-115

Kashif Elahi; Ali Ahmad; Muhammad Ahsan Asim; Roslan Hasni

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