Evaluation of the Mineral Contents in Fish Meal by FT- NIR using PLS and Kernel PLS [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 31-38]
Carbon Nanotube
The Clar Number of Fullerene C24n and Carbon Nanocone CNC4[n] [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 53-59]
Eccentric and Total Eccentric Connectivity Indices of Caterpillars [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 39-44]
Centrosymmetric matrix
Distance Property of Fullerenes [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 99-107]
Clar number
The Clar Number of Fullerene C24n and Carbon Nanocone CNC4[n] [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 53-59]
Counting polynomial
Hyperdiamonds: a Topological View [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 7-29]
Crystal-like network
Hyperdiamonds: a Topological View [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 7-29]
Dendrimer graphs
On the Spectra of Reduced Distance Matrix of Thorn Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 81-87]
Dendrimer nanostar
Hosoya Polynomial of an Infinite Family of Dendrimer Nanostar [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 71-79]
Distance-balanced graphs
Remarks on Distance-Balanced Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 67-71]
Energy and Wiener Index of Zero-Divisor Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 45-51]
First Zagreb co–index
On the General Sum–Connectivity Co–Index of Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 89-98]
Fish meal
Evaluation of the Mineral Contents in Fish Meal by FT- NIR using PLS and Kernel PLS [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 31-38]
Evaluation of the Mineral Contents in Fish Meal by FT- NIR using PLS and Kernel PLS [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 31-38]
A Survey on Omega Polynomial of Some Nano Structures [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 1-65]
The Clar Number of Fullerene C24n and Carbon Nanocone CNC4[n] [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 53-59]
Distance Property of Fullerenes [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 99-107]
Fullerene graph
Further Results on Wiener Polarity Index of Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 67-70]
GA Index
Two Types of Geometric–Arithmetic Index of V–phenylenic Nanotube [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 109-117]
General sum–connectivity co–index
On the General Sum–Connectivity Co–Index of Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 89-98]
Geometric-arithmetic index
A Note on the First Geometric-Arithmetic Index of Hexagonal Systems and Phenylenes [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 101-108]
The Eccentric Connectivity Index of Some Special Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 61-65]
Computing the First and Third Zagreb Polynomials of Cartesian Product of Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 73-78]
Graph operation
Remarks on Distance-Balanced Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 67-71]
Hexagonal system
A Note on the First Geometric-Arithmetic Index of Hexagonal Systems and Phenylenes [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 101-108]
Hosoya polynomial
Hosoya Polynomial of an Infinite Family of Dendrimer Nanostar [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 71-79]
Hyperdiamonds: a Topological View [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 7-29]
IPR fullerene
PI, Szeged and Revised Szeged Indices of IPR Fullerenes [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 87-99]
Kekulé structure
The Clar Number of Fullerene C24n and Carbon Nanocone CNC4[n] [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 53-59]
Evaluation of the Mineral Contents in Fish Meal by FT- NIR using PLS and Kernel PLS [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 31-38]
Lower and upper bounds
On the General Sum–Connectivity Co–Index of Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 89-98]
Molecular Graph
Wiener Index of a New Type of Nanostar Dendrimer [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 79-85]
Molecular topology
Hyperdiamonds: a Topological View [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 7-29]
Nanostar dendrimer
Wiener Index of a New Type of Nanostar Dendrimer [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 79-85]
A Survey on Omega Polynomial of Some Nano Structures [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 1-65]
Omega polynomial
A Survey on Omega Polynomial of Some Nano Structures [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 1-65]
A Note on the First Geometric-Arithmetic Index of Hexagonal Systems and Phenylenes [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 101-108]
Evaluation of the Mineral Contents in Fish Meal by FT- NIR using PLS and Kernel PLS [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 31-38]
PI index
PI, Szeged and Revised Szeged Indices of IPR Fullerenes [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 87-99]
Reduced distance matrix
On the Spectra of Reduced Distance Matrix of Thorn Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 81-87]
Revised Szeged index
PI, Szeged and Revised Szeged Indices of IPR Fullerenes [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 87-99]
Sadhana polynomial
A Survey on Omega Polynomial of Some Nano Structures [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 1-65]
Sextet pattern
The Clar Number of Fullerene C24n and Carbon Nanocone CNC4[n] [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 53-59]
Szeged index
PI, Szeged and Revised Szeged Indices of IPR Fullerenes [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 87-99]
Thorn graph
On the Spectra of Reduced Distance Matrix of Thorn Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 81-87]
Total eccentricity index
Eccentric and Total Eccentric Connectivity Indices of Caterpillars [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 39-44]
V–phenylenic nanotube
Two Types of Geometric–Arithmetic Index of V–phenylenic Nanotube [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 109-117]
Wiener index
Energy and Wiener Index of Zero-Divisor Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 45-51]
Wiener index
Further Results on Wiener Polarity Index of Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 67-70]
Wiener index
Hosoya Polynomial of an Infinite Family of Dendrimer Nanostar [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 71-79]
Wiener index
Distance Property of Fullerenes [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 99-107]
Wiener index
Wiener Index of a New Type of Nanostar Dendrimer [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 79-85]
Wiener polarity index
Further Results on Wiener Polarity Index of Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 1 (Special Issue on the Occasion of Mircea V. Diudea's Sixtieth Birthday), 2011, Pages 67-70]
Zagreb index
Computing the First and Third Zagreb Polynomials of Cartesian Product of Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 73-78]
Zagreb polynomial
Computing the First and Third Zagreb Polynomials of Cartesian Product of Graphs [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 73-78]
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