On Some Extremal Results and Bounds of Additively Weighted Edge Mostar Index

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Bishop Chulaparambil Memorial(BCM) College‎, ‎Kottayam-686001‎, ‎India & Marthoma College,Thiruvalla,Pathanamthitta‎ - ‎689103‎, ‎India

2 St.Aloysius College‎, ‎Edathua‎, ‎Alappuzha‎ -689573, ‎India


‎The additively weighted edge Mostar index is a topological index(TI) defined as an extension of the edge Mostar index‎. ‎In this paper‎, ‎we determine the extrema of the additively weighted edge Mostar index for trees‎. ‎Additionally‎, ‎we compute the lower bound and first four upper bounds of additively weighted edge Mostar index of unicyclic graphs and the upper bound for cacti with a fixed number of cycles‎. ‎All the graphs attaining the bounds are characterized‎. ‎We also propose two conjectures on additively weighted edge Mostar index of bicyclic graphs‎.


Main Subjects

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