Computing Chemical Properties of Molecules by Graphs and Rank Polynomials

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Persian Gulf University, I.R. Iran

2 University of Kashan, I. R. Iran


The topological index of a graph G is a numeric quantity related to G which is invariant under automorphisms of G. The Tutte polynomial of 􀜩 is a polynomial in two variables defined for every undirected graph contains information about connectivity of the graph. The Padmakar-Ivan, vertex Padmakar-Ivan polynomials of a graph 􀜩 are polynomials in one variable defined for every simple connected graphs that are undirected. In this paper, we compute these polynomials of two infinite classes of dendrimer nanostars.


Volume 3, Supplement 1
Proceedings of the First Iranian Conference on Chemical Graph Theory, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, October 6 - 7, 2010 (Ed. M. Ghorbani)
December 2012
Pages 59-65