The Gutman Index and Schultz Index in the Random Phenylene Chains

Document Type : Research Paper


1 School of Mathematical Sciences‎, ‎Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi‎, ‎Xinjiang 830054‎, ‎P‎. ‎R‎. ‎China‎

2 College of Mathematics and System Sciences‎, ‎Xinjiang University,‎ Urumqi‎, ‎Xinjiang 830046‎, ‎P. R. China


The Gutman index and Schultz index are two topological indices. In this paper, we first give exact formulae for the expected values of the Gutman index and Schultz index of random phenylene chains, and we will also get the average values of the Gutman index and Schultz index in phenylene chains.


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