The Laplacian Polynomial and Kirchhoff Index of the k-th‎ Semi Total Point Graphs

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Mathematics, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


The k-th semi total point graph of a graph G, , ‎is a graph‎ obtained from G by adding k vertices corresponding to each edge and‎ connecting them to the endpoints of edge considered‎. ‎In this paper‎, a formula for Laplacian polynomial of in terms of‎ characteristic and Laplacian polynomials of G is computed‎, ‎where is a connected regular graph‎.The Kirchhoff index of is also computed‎.


Main Subjects

Volume 5, Supplement 1
Extended Abstracts of the 6th Conference and Workshop on Mathematical Chemistry, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, February 13 - 14, 2013 (Ed. M. Mogharrab)
December 2014
Pages 7-15