An Algebraic Calculation Method for Describing Time-dependent Processes in Electrochemistry – Expansion of Existing Procedures

Document Type : Research Paper


A-8062 Kumberg, Prottesweg 2a


In this paper an alternative model allowing the extension of the Debye-Hückel Theory (DHT) considering time dependence explicitly is presented. From the Electro-Quasistatic approach (EQS) introduced in earlier studies time dependent potentials are suitable to describe several phenomena especially conducting media as well as the behaviour of charged particles (ions) in electrolytes. This leads to a reformulation of the meaning of the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann Equation (PBE). If a concentration and/or flux gradient of particles is considered the original structure of the PBE will be modified leading to a nonlinear partial differential equation (nPDE) of the third order.
It is shown how one can derive classes of solutions for the potential function analytically by application of pure algebraic steps. The benefit of the mathematical tools used here is the fact that closed-form solutions can be calculated and thus, numerical methods are not necessary.
The important outcome of the present study is twofold meaningful:
(i) The model equation allows the description of time dependent problems in the theory of ions, and (ii) the mathematical procedure can be used to derive classes of solutions of arbitrary nPDEs, especially those of higher order.


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