On Ev-degree and Ve-degree Topological Indices

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Science, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey

2 Faculty of Education, Yuzuncu Yil University, Van, Turkey


Recently two new degree concepts have been defined in graph theory: ev-degree and ve-degree. Also the evdegree and ve-degree Zagreb and Randić indices have been defined very recently as parallel of the classical definitions of Zagreb and Randić indices. It was shown that ev-degree and ve-degree topological indices can be used as possible tools in QSPR researches . In this paper we define the ve-degree and ev-degree Narumi–Katayama indices, investigate the predicting power of these novel indices and extremal graphs with respect to these novel topological indices. Also we give some basic mathematical properties of ev-degree and ve-degree NarumiKatayama and Zagreb indices.


Main Subjects

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